Selasa, 11 Desember 2007


Anonymous berkata...
Sanches Berkata ...........
Sanches berkata...............

First of all i would like to say thank you very much to you for want to see my sundays activities.Helllo my name is Astri Widya Caesarti . My friend always callme Astri . I was born on March , 17 1995 . I live at Cipageran Asri Blok CV/20 . I study ata SMPN I Cimahi . Iam inthe 7th year . My hobby are swimming and read aboook . I like swim because can make my body healthy , I like read abook because book is the windows of earth. On sunday I usuallytke exercise specially is karate . Karate is one of sport from Japan . Sometime i go to Jakarta or Bogor. But know I seldom go to that because i have alot of homework know. Sometime I help my mother to clean my room . Ilike clean my room because my room is very intersting for me. I can do anything in my room . I sometime do my home work and you know I have alot of homework this week . So I spend my holliday to do home work. Sometime I learn and play guitar . Ilike guitar because i like music . Music is very intersting and make me enjoy . DSometime I go to the marketfor buy some vegetables or buy some foods. Sometime i invite my mother to buy some orchids in Lembang . I also buy some festilizers for make the plant grow very good. Sometime I just stay at home or write some story in my note book . Some time I also sleep for along time . I also make some study groups with my friends . I like get alot of friends because friends can make me happy .I like to spend my holiday with my family or go to Bogor or Jakarta. I also play computer and make some picture in my computer or download something from internet . On sunday I like to reading some book or swim in swiming pool . And my father better than me . He always gets alot of jobs every sundays.Example guards his comander . I very -very headack if i see my father's job.Sometime if he get along holiday he just sty at home or sleep for along hours . He also sometime cleans house and help my mother to take care her plants . Sometime my fathers takes some exercises such as badminton or volly ball . He is astrong man . He is the good father in my family .Sometime He just reads news paper and drink some tea / Because he doesn't like coffee. He sometime plays game in computer and hears some musics. My father also cleans his car or his motorcycle . He is a kind father.It's better than my mother . My mother usually on sunday prepares alot of breakfast. because i and my father like eat very much . My mother sometime makes my favourite food suchas soup . I very likes soup because can make my body health. Sometime my mother asks me to jogging to field near my house . My mother sometime asks me to buy some orchids in Lembang or goes to market together.My mother sometime cleans every room in my house . My mother always makes some tea in the morning specialy on Sunday because make my body heath and doesn't make us have big body . My mother also asks me to go to my cousin house , Is so far from my house but I aways go together with my family . I think my story is up to here . I think my story is an intersting story and I'm sorry for all mistake . So, my family is the Best family . Thanks

5 komentar:

s4ng Pem8uru love2-13 mengatakan...

1x+2x+ 3x

Snowledge mengatakan...

Nice Blog..
Maksudnye si Haryo teh naon??

1x + 2x + 3x

23hjsgay:23fhjgog ni =8 - 9hguoiesa

Sulaiman mengatakan...

Gila2an ni bedua ada ajee tingkahnya ni bocah, OH Ass. Wr. Wb. Tobat2 ( bercanda ). Blognya Not Bad Not Bad, Eta teh meuni alus caritana. Cekap weh sakitu, Sekian dan terima kasih

Lintang mengatakan...

lumayan tri lumayan. tapi aku g baca semua isi blog kamu abis males sich! He...he...he... tapi gapapa kan??? jangan marah oke!!!!

Ready steady go!!! mengatakan...

maap mba boleh minta minuman dingin satu?